August 10, 2013

finally finished objects (FFOs?)

Remember that gorgeous shawl that I was working on ages ago?  You know, the one that I promised myself I had to finish and then royally screwed up the graft?

I finished it!  Finally!

It took a lot of solitary time - 1st to pull out the remainder of that awful graft, 2nd to move all the stitches so that they were the right way around (and to ensure I hadn't dropped any), and 3rd to peacefully, quietly, and patiently redo the graft.

So, it's done!  :)

Then I blocked it and put it away, coz I don't know where to wear it.

All blocked and finished!

The finished product has taught me two things though:
Lesson 1.  Shawls are always nicer in lace-weight yarn.
Lesson 2. Patterned shawls are always nicer in solid coloured yarn.

Oh well.  :)
Look at all those stripes detracting from the pattern!

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