August 14, 2013

Best Afghan Ever

So, I got it in my head that I should pound out an afghan (for no reason, at all, whatsoever, I swear.  Ok.  I'm lying.  But I can't tell you why - yet.) and there is this amazing pattern on ravelry - so that's what I did.

This afghan had a surprising construction in that it was crocheted from side to side instead of top to bottom.  I love all the detail work and it was really really interesting.

There was a slight incident involving all the yarn and my coffee for this project.  The floor still bears the proof that when the choice is between yarn and carpet - yarn wins.

Anyhow, not much to say about this one.  It was fun, challenging, turned out great.  Couldn't have asked for a better project.  :)
up close and personal



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