July 5, 2013

Baby Booties Reprise

So I had this wonderful idea to make some booties to go with the cardigan I made for baby-bob (Nolan).  It was the night before my gf's last day of work.  So I was in a mad panic trying to get these booties made in an evening - not the smartest thing to do, but not impossible either.  I wanted to bring the entirety of the giftie to work and send her off with it.  I thought I could finish off the booties on the train.

I was so focused on the booties and getting them done, that I forgot the remainder of the gift - all gift wrapped and sitting by my front door.  Woops.  So the whole thing came a little later than was planned.

On a positive note - I did finish those booties on the train.

These are the same booties I made to go with the vintage cardigan - but I followed the pattern this time instead of a modified option.  I'm not sure which I like better.  The mods are super cute, but way more work - and the original pattern also makes super cute booties.