August 4, 2012

Where did July go?

I think I missed a month.

No seriously.  I don't really remember doing all that much in July.  I know there was a week or two - one of those being Stampede of course.  And then it was August.  Huh.  It's a sign I'm getting old - that I'm sure of. Remember when every single day was packed full of amazing things to the point that you were on the verge of exhaustion at all times, but had so much fun doing it?  Yeah, I just don't have the energy for it anymore.
Anyhow, projects!  I've been busy - but still suffering from project ADD.  Ooooh... that's fun - oh! oh!  I should do that - how about this? - wasn't I supposed to be working on socks.  Right. socks. - NEW YARN!

And that... is my downfall

BUT... I still got a couple projects finished.  It's amazing I get anything done at all.  Seriously.

Anyhow, working my way through single balls of yarn lately.  For no purpose other than I have them.  So, I started a bajillion projects.  They're small... how much trouble can it really be?

So, there was the amazing cowl that I'm working on that I do not have enough yarn for.  :(  The problem being that I really like the cowl.  It's turning out beautifully, so I'm going to have to order one more ball of yarn so that it can be the cowl it always dreamed of being.

And then there was that strange neck-warmer thing.  I think it's supposed to be actual outerwear - like to wear with your winter jacket?  It is FAR too tiny and tight for that.  Thus, it will be more of an accent piece for my winter wardrobe (yes, I know it's the middle of freaking summer - so what if I'm working on winter projects.  The only one who suffers is me.)

See, kind of hard to wear, but cute.

THEN... I went to Pudding Yarn at lunch.  OMG.  That is evil.  Who on Earth suggested that it would be a good idea to go to yarn shop on my lunch break, thus informing me that it is possible to get there, shop and back to work during lunch hour???  Craziness.  When I was there, I found this one little gorgeous ball of watermelon (I think it's the right colour and it looks delicious, so why not call it watermelon?) yarn.  It is Schulana Kid-Seta, so incredibly soft and incredibly airy.  So, I made a shawl.  But, I only had one ball of yarn and it didn't quite make it to the end of the pattern, but it'll do.  ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS.

Blocking blocking blocking
