September 24, 2011

I'm BACK! And I made socks!

I'm a married woman now!  WOO!
Anyhow, before we go off to see the world (well, okay, maybe not the WHOLE world, but parts of it... in Europe...), I should put some "stuff" up here.

So, I've recently rediscovered my love of cross-stitch - but with a twist... so stay tuned for finished projects (oh yes, I said finished).

This means my knitting has taken a hit though.  I finished these socks right before the wedding (I know, I shouldn't have been knitting then, but it really helps with the stress levels!)

They're awesome!  From the 2-at-a-time socks book... can't remember what these were called... huh... oh well..

Aww... what a fun sock pattern!

So, what I'm looking for now is a really really really amazing pattern for a kitchen hand towel to knit.  You know the ones with the button that go through your drawer handles?  Yeah... one of those!  If you know of a great pattern, let me know!